Something’s always blooming at Flower Street Urban Gardens in Phoenix

flowers in planters on block wallIntense sunshine and heat in Phoenix pose a unique challenge for gardeners trying to grow flowers and vegetables. As a result, many homeowners have resorted to desertscaping, which all too often means a yard covered in gravel with a few cacti or other desert plants poking up.

But one homeowner at 44th and Flower Streets can’t help showing off his green thumb to the thousands of motorists who whiz by his house every day. Alex created a system for growing plants vertically on the block walls surrounding their property. This is the result:

flowers in planters hung on block wall
Flowers decorate a block wall at the intersection of 44th and Flower Streets in Phoenix, AZ
Flower Street Vertical Garden
Flower Street Vertical Garden display
Close up of flowers on wall of Flower Street Urban Gardens demonstration
Close up of flowers on wall of Flower Street Urban Gardens demonstration

After Alex retired from a large hair products corporation, he leaned on his design background to create a patented growing system that provides easy access by using existing space and putting the garden at your hands and eye level. This not only makes gardening more enjoyable because you don’t have to bend over as much, but it is also highly practical and saves space.

Even when Alex was busy with his original career, he always kept a small garden at his home. He loves cooking, and harvested produce from his garden for his family’s kitchen. He also used it to teach his young son how to garden.

The growing system he created was such a hit with the people of Phoenix, it has grown into a budding business. Alex named the business Flower Street Urban Gardens – a perfect moniker, considering the home-based headquarters is located on Flower Street.

Trailer with banner showing vertical garden installations
Flower Street Urban Gardens is now a Phoenix business that helps transform outdoor wall space into vertical gardens.
Flower Street Vertical Garden

The family-owned business now works with schools, assisted living facilities, veterans associations, city planning and beautification projects nationwide. They place emphasis on educating the next generation to help build a more colorful, sustainable, and nutritious world through collaborative projects and community outreach.

Want to see Flower Street Urban Gardens for yourself? Tap the map↓


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